
Bridge of Hope Church is an American Baptist congregation of 41 active members and others, situated in the North Bridge Subdivision, in the northeast area of Normal, Illinois. Our church meets in a facility, built in 2002, and sits on four acres of ground. We consider ourselves to be a neighborhood friendly, family church with a diverse population in terms of ethnicity, age, income levels and career. 34 households represent every type of family composition, from single adults to parents with children and widowed or separated families. Our median age group is 30-45, and our nursery is full every Sunday. Active attendance in worship ranges from 25-35.

Our church has a long history of strong American Baptist affiliation, going back to the 1850’s. Many church members are long time American Baptists, but many have come from a variety of denominations. We consider ourselves moderate in our theology with members having a wide diversity in political views. Together, we strive to serve our Lord Jesus Christ according to the tenants in our mission statement: “Our purpose shall be, by the power of the Holy Spirit, to worship God, lead people into an active relationship with Jesus, to help them mature in Christ, to equip them for Christian service, and to actively support home and world missions.”

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